Materiality Identification & Stakeholder Communication

Stakeholders Importance Communication Channel Frequency Issues 2023 Results
  • Employees are the most important asset of eMemory. With continuous innovation and efforts in IP design, eMemory has become a global technology leader.
  • Performance assessment
  • President's mailbox
  • Employee Feedback mailbox
  • Quarterly Employee Meetings\
  • Labor-management Meetings
  • Employee Satisfaction Survey
  • Semi-annually
  • 24/7
  • 24/7
  • Quarterly
  • Quarterly
  • Semi-annually
  • Ethics and regulatory compliance
  • Talent attraction and retention
  • Talent cultivation and development
  • 2 performance assessment
  • 6,696 hours of employee training
  • 0 complaint case
  • 2 pieces of employee feedback
  • 4 quarterly meetings
  • 4 labor-management meetings
  • Annual health checkup satisfaction survey
  • Annual benefits satisfaction survey
Shareholders and Investors
  • Shareholders and investors are the driving force behind eMemory. Through capital investment and participation in corporate governance, our shareholders and investors help us go further on the road of sustainable development.
  • Annual general shareholders’ meeting
  • Quaterly Investor conferences
  • Investor meetings
  • Investor relation contact
  • Annually
  • Quarterly
  • According to demands
  • Any time
  • Corporate governance
  • Ethics and regulatory compliance
  • Customers and services
  • Technology development
  • Financial performance
  • Stock price
  • ESG execution
  • Annual general shareholder's meeting
  • Quarterly investor conferences
  • Attended 33 external investor conferences
  • 91 investor meetings (Individual)
  • Selected as “MSCI Taiwan Index” constituents
  • Customers are our best strategic partners. Adhering the customer-oriented spirit, eMemory develops various IPs and provides professional services in order to assist our customers in successful product development.
  • Designated customer service team
  • Customer complaint channels
  • Customer satisfaction survey
  • Daily
  • Daily
  • Annually
  • Technology innovation
  • Customer service
  • Brand value
  • Information confidentiality
  • The average customer satisfaction score was 95.81 out of 100
  • Received TSMC’s IP Partner Award for 14 consecutive years
  • Suppliers are eMemory’s crucial partners, providing us with excellent products and support. Because of the close collaboration with our suppliers, our IPs are able to be tested and pass various verification tests on schedule.
  • Supplier audit
  • Reporting Mailbox
  • Annually
  • Daily
  • Supply chain sustainability management
  • Distributed 33 "Supplier Checking List" with 100% response rate
  • The government is the bridge for eMemory to enter the stock exchange market. Investors around the world are able to learn about us through the platforms built by the government.
  • MOPS
  • Conferences
  • Any time
  • Non-periodic
  • Regulatory compliance
  • Corporate governance
  • Corporate social responsibility
  • Ethics and business integrity
  • Ranked as top 20% in the corporate govermance evaluation system
  • Selected as "TPEx Corporate Governance Index", "TPEx 50 Index", "TPEx 200 Index", "TPEx Compensation Index", "TPEx RGA Quality 50 Index", "TPEx Semiconductor Leaders Total Return Index", "TIP TPEx ESG Index", "TIP TPEx ESG Growth Total Return Index", "TIP TPEx ESG ITE Total Return Index", "TPEx FactSet Climate Resilience Index", "TPEx FactSet Semiconductor Climate Resilience Index", "TPEx FactSet Semiconductor Climate Net Zero Elite Total Return Index" constituents