- Sustainability
- Friendly Workplace
- Connecting with Shareholders
- Social Participation
- Stakeholder Engagement
- ESG Sharing
- ESG Report
Climate change poses serious environmental, social, and economic threats to our world. As global citizens, we take seriously our role in protecting the environment.
eMemory is dedicated to using sustainable practices in daily operations and product design. We proactively perform regular audits of office facilities, data system infrastructures and internal process flows in order to reduce long-term greenhouse gas emissions. Our daily work environments use energy-efficient lighting, heating and cooling systems while our paperless electronic data centers minimize overall energy consumption. All of these measures help to ensure our activities are as sustainable as possible.

Green Product Development and Supply Chain Management
With advances in semiconductor manufacturing processes and the increasing complexity of IC design, silicon IP can now be used to enhance the efficiency of the IC design process and shorten development time. eMemory supports sustainability by continuing to develop advanced semiconductor process technologies that support customers’ designs and thereby produce the most advanced, energy-saving, and environmentally friendly products.
eMemory establishes the “eMemory Supplier Code of Conduct” to ensure that our supply chain vendors and their supply chains meet the same sustainability standards as we do, which includes providing a safe working environment, respecting employees, facilitating environment protection in business operations, and complying with ethic codes. Every year, our major suppliers are mandatory to perform a self-assessment by replying to the “Supplier Compliance Checklist.” The checklist specifies five domains for evaluation, including labor rights, health and safety, environmental protection, ethics, and corporate management.
In 2023, 33 Supplier Code of Conduct Checklists were completed and returned to us. The return rate was 100%, same as in previous years.The replies are carefully reviewed and improvement programs and on-site audits are implemented when necessary.

Environmental Management
Environmental protection is an extremely crucial part of corporate sustainability. As a specialized silicon intellectual property company, the Company does not engage in physical production and manufacturing, so we are in a non-pollution business – neither producing nor discharging any manufacturing waste. However, we still do our best to integrate environmental protection into our policy formulation and daily business operations, so as to do our part in maintaining corporate sustainable development. Given that the Company is in a non-polluting business, authentication of general environmental management systems does not apply to us. However, we still comply with environmental laws and regulations, reducing resource waste and doing resource recycling.
Based on the carbon reduction target and following the international standard ISO 14064-1:2018, we completed the greenhouse gas inventory check. Taking 2023 as the base year, we disclose the greenhouse gas inventory results regularly. The carbon reduction progress and renewable energy plan and execution are reviewed annually. In response to the global trend of energy conservation, carbon reduction, and waste reduction, we have formulated three major strategies on reducing energy and water consumption and the general waste to achieve the goal of net zero emissions in 2050. In terms of reducing energy consumption, we have changed to LED lighting, purchased new energy-saving airconditioning equipment, and continued to review potential opportunities regularly. In terms of water conservation, eMemory has been promoting the appropriate water usage, changing water-saving faucets and posting water conservation slogans to develop water-saving habits. In terms of general waste reduction. eMemory continues to conduct waste reduction activities, such as implementing electronic process flow to replace paperwork, promoting the use of double-sided printing and anchoring the concept of energy conservation and carbon reduction in everyone’s mind.